Pepco Maryland Residential Rates Going Up

April 26, 2010
Pepco Maryland has just come out with its residential pricing for the summer, through the end of September. And guess what? Just as the heat and humidity around here are guaranteed to skyrocket, your electricity rates from Pepco are headed up as well.

Right now, Pepco is still in Winter-rate mode. That changes, though, on June 1st. Ready for the news? Here's the skinny:

Rate Schedule "R"

¹Listed price is guaranteed for one year. Two- and three-year guarantees are available for 9.60¢ per kWh.

You can download the actual rate schedule here.
I need to point out that the new rate reflects the actual Generation plus Transmission rates, as opposed to the "Price to Compare" that you see on your bills, and that we use here at EA. The Price to Compare is the average cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for Generation and Transmission service, based on your rate classification. Pepco (and other utilities) provides this number as a public service to you, the customer.*

So when you're comparing the above numbers directly with our figures, the percentages won't be the same as when we pit our rates against the Price to Compare number. But here's the good news -- we're still less.

There's a third part of your bill, called Delivery, that we do not handle. This is what Pepco charges to deliver your electricity to your home or business. This is what also enables Pepco (and other utilities) to service your lines, and to respond to your emergency calls -- among other things.

With rates on the rise, we recommend that residential customers make the choice to lower their rates, through EA. You can start right here. Just have a copy of your bill or your account number ready. The process is very easy, and takes only about 5 minutes of your time.

Remember -- another hot summer is on its way. Don't compound your rise in electricity usage with higher rates. That's a formula that can be deadly to your pocketbook.

And Montgomery County residents ... don't forget that your county leaders want to hike your energy taxes. So mitigate that potential rise by choosing to lower your rates -- today!


*Computing the Cost to Compare figure involves using the Zodiac, the atomic weights of several elements in the Periodic Table, the ratio of salt water to fresh water found on Earth, and the batting average of Derek Jeter and Manny Ramirez.

Seriously, though, there is a real formula that goes into computing the Price to Compare. Pepco provides it at this page. I don't feel like I'm qualified to copy-and-paste it, much less actually try to use it. Heck, I only figured out just last week how to put simple formulas into Excel spreadsheets.
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The PJM Interconnection serves the Mid-Atlantic, as well as parts of the Midwest and Southern U.S.
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As businesses start the budgeting process for 2025, electricity supply costs across the PJM Interconnection region are rising, driven largely by an increase in capacity charges. Capacity charges, which ensure enough power is available during peak demand, have seen a sharp uptick, leading to higher rates, especially in the DC and Maryland areas. Both residential and commercial customers are facing these increases, with supply prices potentially rising by as much as 20%, significantly impacting operational costs. However, there is still time to mitigate the coming increase in supply rates. From simple energy efficiency upgrades, such as LED lighting or smart thermostats, to longer-term projects like solar panel installations and power walls, businesses have a range of options to reduce their energy consumption and control costs. These strategies can offer significant savings over time and position companies for more sustainable energy use. We encourage you to talk with business owners and decision-makers in your network about these rising costs. This is a great time to introduce them to Electric Advisors, where we can help them navigate these changes and find ways to reduce their energy expenses. Your referrals can play a crucial role in helping those in your network become more competitive. Best,
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