Blackout Prevention ... Here's the Cure

April 28, 2010
A very-real threat exists here in Maryland, and the mid-Atlantic in general. It has to do with electricity, and how the current infrastructure handles all of the power we need and use for both residential and commercial purposes.

Electric Advisors' President Russell Lacey is a big proponent of making sure we all have enough electricity for not only today, but the future as well. In a recent letter to the Gazette of Politics and Business, he wrote:

Today, less than 6 percent of Maryland's electricity comes from renewable sources: wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, etc. We have far to go to reach the state's goal that 20 percent of our electricity will come from renewable resources by 2022. Incentives, technical assistance, competitive energy markets and funding will be necessary to encourage the development of diverse renewable sources and make power from them more available to Maryland consumers. But, as these sources are being developed, we must pay equal attention to making sure the electricity produced from them can reach users.
The grid that supplies Maryland's electricity, and all or parts of 12 other states and the District of Columbia, is near capacity and cannot transmit additional energy — from any source — without expansion. Maryland's electricity consumers pay a premium for electricity transmitted through this congested system.

Our grid operator, PJM Interconnection, with authority from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, has called for grid enhancements to be in place by 2014, or Maryland and other energy destinations on the grid will begin to experience power interruptions and possibly blackouts.

The Maryland Public Service Commission is is expected to consider two transmission line projects during the next year. Lacey says these lines will prevent predicted power shortages, only if they're approved and completed on schedule. And with the expected growth in our area, we need to be sure we're ready from an infrastructure standpoint.
You can read his entire letter here. If you want to write to the Maryland Public Service Commission, here's their Web site.
March 10, 2025
As businesses continue their budgeting process throughout 2025, electricity supply costs across the PJM Interconnection region are rising, driven largely by an increase in capacity charges. Capacity charges, which ensure enough power is available during peak demand, have seen a sharp uptick, leading to higher rates, especially in the DC and Maryland energy markets. Both residential and commercial customers are facing these increases, with supply prices potentially rising by as much as 20%, significantly impacting operational costs across Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Baltimore County, Ann Arundel County and towns all across the east coast. However, there is still time to mitigate the coming increase in supply rates. From simple energy efficiency upgrades, such as LED lighting or smart thermostats, to longer-term projects like solar panel installations and power walls, businesses have a range of commercial energy solutions to reduce consumption and control costs. These procurement strategies can offer significant business energy savings over time and position companies for more sustainable energy use. We encourage you to talk with business owners and decision-makers in your network about these rising costs. This is a great time to introduce them to Electric Advisors , where we can help them navigate these changes and find ways to reduce their energy expenses. Your referrals can play a crucial role in helping those in your network become more competitive and we've made a profound impact on local businesses up and down the east coast and beyond. See below for an example of where our clients are being serviced.  Best,
March 6, 2025
Electric Advisors, Inc. is proud to announce that we are now a Montgomery County Certified Green Business! We are also proud to share that we have recently received silver level recognition, after reaching bronze just a short number of months ago. This achievement reflects our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment and actively integrating sustainable practices into our daily operations. The program, operated in partnership with Bethesda Green and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, encourages businesses to be leaders in environmental stewardship while working towards a more sustainable future. By participating in this certification program, we join a growing community of forward-thinking businesses dedicated to creating a greener economy. The certification is structured around continuous improvement, offering businesses the opportunity to progress through Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels as they enhance their sustainability practices. To learn more about the Montgomery County Green Business Certification Program and how your business can get involved, click here . Electric Advisors is proud to be part of this initiative, and we encourage other local businesses to explore the program and join us on the path to a greener future. Help us embrace sustainable practices and work towards a greener future for our community!
January 21, 2025
It's important to us here at Electric Advisors that more consumers understand how they can take advantage of RECs aka Renewable Energy Credits
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