We just got new pricing in from our supplier, and we've seen drops in price for both electricity and natural gas in several geographic areas.
In electricity, we've seen a pretty decent size drop in the Pepco Maryland market. It's actually at parity with the Pepco DC (District of Columbia) market. BGE pricing dropped a bit as well. All other markets (Allegheny Power and Delmarva Power MD/DE) stayed the same.
Some of our "green" electricity pricing from mid-Atlantic wind farms dropped, too; specifically, in the BGE and Pepco Maryland markets.
Previously, we hadn't been all that competitive in the natural-gas arena, so we didn't really push it a lot. But with our new pricing, you're going to be seeing us talk a lot more about it.
With natural gas, we're able to perform essentially the same service that we do with electricity. We (through our agency agreement with Washington Gas Energy Services - WGES) replace the supply portion of your natural-gas bill with a competitive rate that's guaranteed to stay the same for one or two years. And it's your choice as to how long that rate is guaranteed ... as long as it's one or two years, of course.
In terms of pricing, we've seen drops in the rates we can offer Washington Gas (the utility, not WGES -- it gets a bit confusing, I know) customers in Maryland, DC and Virginia. They've dropped by almost a full $0.10 per therm -- that's significant.
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A side note: I like the headline of this story. Borrowed it from Bruce Springsteen. But in terms of its source, this particular song was never one of my favorites from The Boss.