Electric Advisors' expertise about lowering energy rates is being recognized more and more by those in the media.
Already, we've been quoted in articles for The Gazette and Baltimore Sun. Also, EA President Russell Lacey and VP of Business Development Bob Woods have had separate editorials on energy-related topics published in The Gazette.
Today, Russell was interviewed for a report on Fox5 News, regarding energy choice and how businesses and residents can lower their utility bills. Actually, he was in quite a bit of the report:
By the way, here's a text version of the above video, in case you don't want (or aren't able to) watch it.
Then next week, Bob will shoot a video with Matthew Lesko about lowering energy rates at home and for commercial utility accounts. You may not recognize the name, but click on that link and you'll probably recognize him. If not, he's the guy who's been in TV commercials for many, many years. He jumps around in the Question Mark suit, and shows you how to get federal money to start a business, go to school, and so on.
Lately, he's branched out into producing videos that help people to save money in a wide variety of areas. Bob will talk with Matthew on-camera about EA's services, and how we can help ... well, you know by now. His Web sites are wildly popular, and we look forward to educating people about energy choice.
If that's not enough, we'll have more news next week, about our expertise being tapped to help others make decisions with their energy matters.
Remember: Electric Advisors and all of our energy advisors on staff have the experience and expertise to help you decide the future of your energy rates. Period.